Super Fish Seafood's Headcount
Super Fish Seafood's Annual Revenue
Super Fish Seafood Headquarters
7101 NW 77th Ter, Miami, Florida
Super Fish Seafood shipment data consists of 100% air, among other modes.
Here’s the breakdown of Super Fish Seafood’s top ports:
1,147 shipments arrived into Miami International Airport, Miami, Florida
Revenue Vessel’s platform provides more details on Super Fish Seafood’s tradelanes and other key entry ports. They also have intel on other shippers within each port and mode.
Super Fish Seafood has worked with 1 customs broker into the US.
Here is a list of their notable customs broker(s) associated with the brand:
Super Fish Seafood's current partners continually evolve over time. For an exhaustive view of customs broker relationships and trade networks, turn to Revenue Vessel’s vast database for exclusive access to these insights.
Super Fish Seafood employs over 6 people. Revenue Vessel provides detailed, verified contact information for key logistics and supply chain decision makers. Below is a sample of the contact data available on our platform.
Managing Director
Current Phone
Current Email
Sales / Operations Manager
Manager, Accounting
Revenue Vessel is a platform that helps freight forwarders, customs brokers, 3PLs, drayage and cartage providers, and other logistics technology companies target shippers based on their import data. If you are interested in learning more about Super Fish Seafood, sign up today.
Beyond data here, you can access other data that will enhance your outreach capabilities - contact details for their decision makers, tradelanes, HS codes, suppliers, and more!